NRA (aka Nuts Racists and Assholes)

An organization that would rather defend the right to keep a war machine than the children being slaughtered in their schools. They are infamously known as the ones who keep "big-ass guns" underneath their pillows while they sleep.
TRUMP: Wait, what's the NRA again?
ME: Oh no one really. Just the people that give you money to endorse the weapons of mass destruction and death. I'm sure you remember Columbine, right?
PENCE: It's possible?
ME: Well the former president of the National Rifle Association, Charlton Heston went to Littleton, Colorado just a few days after the Columbine high school shooting and held a pro-gun rally.
TRUMP: Hmmm, How strange.
PENCE: Wow! Donald, you have yourself a true doppelganger!
ME: For fuck's sake...
by StudentActivist May 3, 2018
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The National. Rigged. Association (NRA) is a term used for salty people claiming that their game is rigged.
John: It's the NRA.
by N.R.A April 5, 2022
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National Rifle Association. A group in America rallying to uphold the law allowing the people of America should be allowed to bear arms. Part of the reason why America's gun laws are overly relaxed so that the mentally insane, criminals and blind people can now own guns in America. They all have a dangerous level of patriotism that claims that not to own a gun is failing your responisiblity as an American, which of course, is nonsense. Also have a habit of doing large scale pro-gun rallies shortly after school shootings. Hence because thanks to the American constitution, America now has more gun deaths than all ecomonically developed countries in the western world, COMBINED. All thanks to guns being readily availbe for everyone; even if you're blind, insane, a convicted velon or just a trigger happy lunatic who feels everyone is out to get him.
"If guns made people safe, America would be the safest country in the world."
by Shame on the NRA July 3, 2005
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Initials of the National Recovery Administration and the National Rifle Association. Nowadays referrs to the latter. The NRA is a loosely organized group that takes all kinds and stands up for the safeguarding of the one right that allows all other rights to exist - the right to bear arms.
The NRA will endure. Michael Mooriarty will not succeed in his quest to turn everyone into a disarmed submissive pacifist and impose his vision of peace on the world.
by Iggy Hazard January 18, 2004
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A bunch of redneck losers who lifes consist of guns.

signs of an NRA member:
-over grown "80's porn star mustache"
-old beat up pick up truck with bumper sticker that says "keep honking im reloading"
- more that 10 toes
-still lives with mom at age 30
-lives in a trailer with mom
-brags about the time he was arrested on "cops"
-girlfriend wears small tube tops (even tho she is obesily over weight),daisy dukes, and sandals
-thinks voting 4 Bush is a good idea because he will make guns easier to obtain
-less than 5 teeth in mouth
-trash can filled with beer bottles
-wears an old faded out cap with a nascar logo
-reeks of the smell of urine and boose
see: redneck Republican
Thank god there are people like Michael Moore in this country.
by AltCoder May 1, 2005
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They protect the 2nd amendment - the right to bear flintlock a properly consituted milita.

I don't see any mention of assault rifles, self-loading pistols, etc. in there.

How many of their members are members of the army reserve, national guard, etc?
Old law that has been twisted to allow drunken rednecks to keep AK-47s under their beds.
by fubarderby July 20, 2005
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