1. To have a wee nosey

2. To snoop somewhere

3. Take a gander to
If you take a wee moosy over there you'll find some muffins
by Narcissa_Shax July 11, 2008
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bad,any thing that is not good.
curly is acting moosie.
this game is so moosie i hate it.
by shaneekvanda June 11, 2006
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1) slang for a northern animal closely related to an elk
2) the mother of GC, kindly supporting us all with an abundance of cookies. She inspires love and power through all the corsairs.
Moosie happily gives all the great members of GC moosie cookies.
by Ben November 15, 2004
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Slang/Abbreviation for someone of Muslim/Islamic ancestry.
Honey have you read the paper today? Those moosy terrorists flew a plane into some building again!
by mikeyr June 28, 2005
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Moosie. Slang term for a person of Muslim religion.
Look at those Moosies over there. Bunch of Taliban Bastards.
by Doad Brown October 5, 2006
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a drink that has little or no liquer in it ex. oduels
honey get me a moosie ive had 2 duis this week
by dylan oshea November 17, 2005
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Moosy is another word for vagina. Moosy is your vagina.
My moosy is itching.
by scooper-duper December 18, 2011
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