A raid or drug bust conducted by federal law enforcement
“Some cartel retard had a Mexican pizza party after he was busted selling crack in the park”
by Saltywafflekike August 22, 2022
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When you bring beer to a gathering with friends and leave your beers next to you, drinking them slowly as they keep getting warmer.
You gonna put those beers in the fridge or are you having a mexican tea party?
by scarygary30 June 21, 2020
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A strip club, pinata, barbecue, loud music, mysterious looking condoms, some shady dude named lil' Pedro that doesnt talk to anyone,and a WHOLE lot of tequila is involved.... and thats the first 20 minutes.....
Person 1: Dude where were you last night?
Person 2: I was at a mexican birthday party... do you know anyone named lil' Pedro?
Person 1: No, why?
Person 2: Cuz he's sleeping on my couch right now
by The D and The V November 25, 2013
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Something that you're just not ready to hear about yet. Close cousins with the Vietnamese shame wheel.
Dude 1: Holy crap dude, last night I went to a Mexican slumber party...

Dude 2: Damn, son, how was that?

Dude 1: You're not ready to hear, man, you're not ready...
by NotReadyMan December 6, 2013
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You start drinking early and you go hard until the next morning and there is usually a piñata 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I really hope my grandma doesn't ask me to explain party mexicans again
by Crimsongirl February 21, 2016
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Where two guys sandwich a girl, one in front and the other from behind and they both ejaculate creating a melt sensation. The guy at the front must then use his penis and cum to draw a Mexican moustache on the girls face.
We just had a Mexican party melt and it was totally hot!
by Quentindes May 1, 2015
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Diarrhea after eating very spicy food. When your asshole is burning because you ate too much of that delicious jalapeños.
Man, I can’t go out right now. I’m having a Mexican after party.
by Limp Blitzkrieg October 7, 2020
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