Highly skilled gamer, not to be confused with 'meth' or similars.
"mef u want a game of q3 m8?"
by Aaron September 13, 2003
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A word of no meaning other to certify you heard what the other person said, it conveys no emotion. Most commonly used on an instant messenger to stop someone bothering you. Can be used in place of swear words in everyday life.
1. Person A: Are you ok? Person B: Mef
2. Person A: Is something wrong? Person B: Mef
3. DVD fails to record a tv program you wanted to see but could catch another time 'mef' said outloud
by Candlemoth October 2, 2006
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Mother Everyone's Fucked. Derived from the example of MILF as noted in the classic movie, "American Pie". This term is used for a female who use to be a slut, but then settles down, gets married and has a kid.
"Damn, I ran into Jen today and found out that she's married and had a baby. You remember Jen don't you?? What a MEF!"
by KiKKi January 14, 2006
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Mortal Enemy Forever. The opposite of BFF
He was once my BFF, but then he committed a grevious crime and became my MEF
by DoomLord June 26, 2009
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The Queen of the Geeks. Speaks with a heavy lisp through a retainer and makes many 'alien' hand gestures to get points across. Watch out for flying saliva.
Followers: *kneel down and praise* WE ARE NOT WORTHY!
by Steezus January 3, 2004
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to do something half assed
coined by mathias aka teethi13. IM him.
you just pulled a mef
by cambray January 4, 2004
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an insult to someone who takes bout themselves or something that belongs to them
Suzy:omg i got these awesome jeans at the mall i look so sexy wit them!!
Marty: ur such a mef!
by TINA March 3, 2005
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