"Meaow's Out Loud" Discovered on a people pretending to be their pets forum, where some poor tragic ignoramuses were writing about their days as their cats/dogs/whatever/who cares.
"Today I got up after a nice long sleep and my Mummy gave me a nice bowl of my favourite scrunchies MOL"
by Jobbers August 18, 2007
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A new unit of time. 1 mol equals to the average life expectancy of a special species of moth, which eats clothes.
I've spent 3 mols at the laboratory yesterday! Ages!
by scatter_heart March 17, 2010
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Rob: Did you see the Paris Hilton Video?
Joe: I sure did. MOL!!!!
by Davey McDavey December 2, 2003
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Morbidly Obese Loser - A grotesquely and disgustingly overweight individual, generally with horrible fashion-sense, who often times is one bucket of chicken away from cardiac arrest. This person gives others a gag reflex when seen because of their unsightly and sweaty appearance.
OMG, did you see that MOL getting ready to board the plane? I was praying to God that she wasn't going to sit next to me with her fat sweatty ass touching mine.
by Temple MD November 3, 2009
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Means "Moo-Out-Loud". Another way of just laughing at something, but instead, you moo... out loud!
<Example A> d00d I am not kewl
<M-C Digm> MOL!
by Paradigm April 10, 2005
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