Engaging in the act of losing your hair at a young age.
He is only 23 and has lost all of his hair, he must be a kunkle.
by Thegreathamhawk November 21, 2005
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That kunkle is going to have a hard time finding a girlfriend.
by Lisa Henry December 26, 2005
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When you're so fat, your Knuckles can't been seen. Also, not being able to distinguish from the back of your hand and where your knuckles should be.
I got hit by that fatty's kunkles, but it didn't hurt.
by Steparin September 24, 2009
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Kurt Kunkle is the main protagonist/antagonist from the movie Spree (August 14, 2020). victims: Kurt's mom

Fredrick Andrea Mario Richard Kendra London Bobby Bud lee/bobbybasecamp Davit Kris Kunkle/kurt's father
Not gonna spoil how these people died but i will hint at it. Uber driver ;)
1: have you heard about Kurt Kunkle from the 2020 film Spree? 2: No whats it about? 3: okay so <BLANK CAUSE NOT GONNA SPOIL IT> 2: damn now i dont trust uber drivers
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A thick, young, puffy man who likes to talk about weewee and trains
Mister Kunkle look a train!

“ where”
by Mr Kankle April 27, 2022
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A term used when describing or identifying a child molester
"See that pervert? Totally an Uncle Kunkle."
by J46464646 April 24, 2006
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Person A: "Stop being such a Ryan P. Kunkle and shower." Person B: "I can't shower, I'm busy talking to my kittens."
by March 22, 2023
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