When you like someone but they say lemme smash
Yo want to go on a date
No but wanna smash. Lemme smash
(Man I think I’m joogling right now)
by IpLaYwItHyOuRmOm January 29, 2019
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to jiggle "the goods". interpretation of "the goods" is left up to the user, which is why "joogle" is such a versatile word! However, it is most often used in a sexual manner, referring to the act of handling someone.
Tarikha: "Damn, my shirt is really low-cut. Hope no one tries to joogle me at the club - i'll kick their ass!"
by irsmart January 7, 2010
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I can't figure out what word I would use to describe explaining something in more detail, so I'll joogle it!
by Darkness my old friend July 30, 2008
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A guy who is:
a. Smart like google
b. Good at judo
c. Too young for his own good
d. Annoying as hell
e. Cross eyed from staring at screens
by aa1345 June 26, 2023
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n. a dumb person, nicer than saying "dumb ass"
You paid how much for that (insert item here)?! I saw it online for 1/4 that price! You joogle head!
by wac0059 March 19, 2009
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Nikki jiggled her joogles as she walked down the beach.
by diolane March 27, 2020
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