menstruating, the monthly act of vaginal bleeding
Don't go swimming in the ocean when you're chumming.
by Spider420 September 15, 2005
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Burnt out, tired, wasted, or just not motivated to do anything.
My friends wanted to me to go hiking but after snowboarding the previous day I was way to chummed for that.

After drinking way too much the night before I was so chummed I just hung out on the couch most of the day.
by Brf June 19, 2006
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A jolly fellow who is your mate for life. A pal brought to you by fate who you will be best friends with for eternity.
“I was feeling really down until I met my chum
Oh cool, what is he like?”
“He’s my pal forever”
by Sweetcheex December 31, 2019
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unwanted fish parts: guts fins and heads
sharks like fish chum
by flamedraguy May 26, 2003
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Used by Edinburghian's (people from Edinburgh, Scotland). It means to accompany someone somewhere.
William will you chum me up to my house? Meaning William will you accompany me up to my house?
by DylanJohnRitchie August 7, 2009
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to chum, meaning hang out with, escort, keeping company. Scottish term.
"will you chum me to the station?"

"I'm chumming Peter to the music festival"
by english scot June 9, 2007
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