Short for pseudo-intellectuals. People who think they know more than they do. You can often find them reading the abstracts of scientific studies.
"God, James is being such an intel today."
by jfy December 30, 2020
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1: a company which states it has a good multi-tasking processor, but utterly failed upon the release of dual core processors.

2:a company which sells computer related articles for about 2-3 times as much as they are worth.
guy1:Shit dude, I got an intel P-XE for 1600$
Guy2:too bad my economy x2 3800+ outperforms it in a lot of things and costs 1/4 as much.
Guy3:screw both of you, i got a x2 4800+ for 1k and it's ranked as the best thing on the market
guy1:I wish I didn't listen to the tech guy at best buy, i think he was a highschool drop out.

2:dude, your overclocked pentium4 is reaching 70degrees C, maybe you could backwards engineer it and sell it world wide as an overpriced heater...
by chris September 16, 2005
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Company which is known for making computer processors and motherboards.
Often misrepresent the actual speeds their hardware runs at.
by Mister Bojangles November 4, 2002
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A CPU and motherboard manufacturer focussed mainly on tech rather than high clock speeds. While their processors are stronger than AMD processors, they are also quite a bit more pricey. If money's not a problem, then Intel is the way to go. I also recommend getting an aftermarket cooler as their stock fans aren't very good.
Man 1: I just got an Intel i7 920!!! I'm gonna tear through all my games and work!

Man 2: You realized you just spent about $300 on a quad-core when you could've gotten an AMD Quad-core CPU for like $100-$180?

Man 1: .....
by mistahskinnymahn July 23, 2010
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Who gives about micro-electronics when the first tv ad this company made had a bus load of guys in pastel colored NBAC suits who'd leap out and start doing bad dance moves any where, any time, with no warning?

That's some shit to live up to, AMD.
Hyperthreading 64 bit OS compatible on die first level cache in a super special heat transferring package still doesn't mean much when it's running Windows, m'lad.
by dj_monged September 11, 2004
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1. A large company in-line with microsoft for world domination and used to produce massively over priced computer chips until AMD came along and helped break their monopoly.

2. Slang for intelligence
Why buy an Intel based computer when I can buy an AMD at half the price.

The CIA thought they had good intel on the "terrorists" until they realized they were spying on other members of the CIA in disguise. After realizing this, they blew up a Mosque, arrested a few Iraqi bystanders, called them terrorists, and demanded more funding from the US budget.
by Booser February 8, 2005
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Really overpriced and overhyped processor.

You can say a 2.2 Ghz AMD Athlon XP processor is the equivalent to a 3.2 GHz Intel pentium 4 fanboy and he'd say "HAHAHA no you noob, 3.2 is a greater number than 2.2"

Intel processors run at 6 calculations per cycle
Amd athlon XPs run at 10 calculations per cycle
Amd ahtlon 64s run at 12 calculations per cycle

Intel processors have a horrible front side bus with degrades the quality of the processor.
Intel processors are stupid. Anyone who says otherwise obviously doesn't know anything and has seen a bunch of Intel/Dell commercials.
by Robbie August 25, 2004
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