85 definitions by Robbie

what a person is called when it is obvious that he is so in love with a girl named april and it cant get any better for him because there isnt another girl that could replace her
hey man check out that black rob kissing on april
by Robbie February 22, 2005
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I listened to "CKY" on the radio
by Robbie June 4, 2004
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Its the true story of seven strangers picked to live in a house, work together and have their lives taped...and to find what happends when they stop being polite and start getting real.
I think Mel from the RW Philly is the hottness!!
by Robbie January 15, 2005
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Someone that makes a six-figure salary. Can be related to drugs, or a legitimate business.
He's rollin' in cash. He's a six-figga nigga.
by Robbie October 25, 2004
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When you take your ballsack and grab all the excess sack and mush it together so it looks like chewed gum.
jesuswuzANAL ien (11:07:52 PM): want my chewed gum?
Dragonflies197 (11:08:00 PM): nah, i'm chewing on my own
by Robbie December 7, 2003
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