It's an unknown cureture who lives in the forest and hunts children to get them naked! Lars-Inger is an animal who have a brain like humans but not like that smart who we are. Lars-Inger likes potatoes and kid vaginas and kid dicks.
Lars-Inger means pervert.. and it means many other things you don't want to know...
by TheNineTailedFox December 12, 2016
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Tall, Blonde, High-Pitched, moron. She is also an English teacher and watches English with lucy. Her accent is absolute trash.
It is an adjective and it can be used as an insult. "You're such an Inger Elise Lode"
by Grøtteland March 25, 2019
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she's such a inger
by brtparadise January 18, 2023
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A Danish populist, far right politician who regularly engages in racism. She often expresses appreciation for the apartheid state of Israel and regularly advocates for the Israeli weapons industry on social media. Inger støjberg is th definition of sadomasochism.
Wow inger støjberg is a sadomasochistic far right politician.
by Politicowatch June 23, 2024
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