Ilijas is probably the hottest and coolest guy in your class. He has an 30 inch dick and most of the girl are attracted to him. He's a SIMP and also very clever
A: Hi do you want to fuck Ilijas
B: I did it already
by Chillin in tha hood November 23, 2021
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Name with serbian orthodox gypsy origin
Ilija was a hero in the postmodern underground world of bulgaria and in the serbian community
by kingkoooong January 6, 2021
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This is where you plant seeds in your mind to miss the next day of school, once planted you cannot attend school the next day.
Cameron had a serious case of Ilija Syndrome last night, there was not a chance he could wake up in the morning
by helloyeah May 12, 2016
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a typical serbian manuever. you act like a hooligan and tell the girl what a dumpster she is, maybe adding a "don't flatter yourself baby", basically putting the girl in place before you put it in her place. this is usually followed by an dirty aunt jemima or an angry fireman
Phillip: Wow, that girl just ran out of here crying, what happened.
Chris: oh its no big deal she just got a little out of hand so she had to get the dirty ilija.
Graig: Yea, but the aunt jemima to follow might have been a little much.
by chucktown November 11, 2006
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This is just another way to say legend or savage
Ilija Babić je jebena legenda.
Skoro si jak ka Ilija Babić.
by Memelover23 March 15, 2017
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It is commonly mispronounced word. In Balkan it stands for describing a person that is short and likes to steal chocolate bars from supermarkets. Also, it can mean a person with Croatian accent and with blind cat. Person described as Ilija represents a person that has special urge for copper. You should have one Ilija all the time in your friend group!
Person 1: Yo bro, look at that fat 16 year old!
Person 2: That must be Ilija Cigan.
by Yasuo Kid May 6, 2022
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This is just another way to say legend or savage
Ilija dize 170 na mrtvom dizanju
Ilija Zoroja je jebena legenda.
Jak si skoro kao Ilija.
by blindmaninjg November 21, 2021
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