"Better move that fucking contraband. First Sergeant's house mouse just saw you shove it underneath there."
by Doc Soul April 7, 2009
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Male or female who guards someone's house and belongings. Usually they perform sexually acts as trade for payment. On call 24/7.
Hey, Johnny your house is pretty dirty. Lets find a house mouse to get this shit cleaned up.
by Dusty 1 October 19, 2019
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When youre so fucked up, those are the only words you can think of.
by RickerMan! February 18, 2008
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A house mouse is the one person in your household that everyone has a problem with. This person will not care about the problems and will continue doing them for gratification of being the house mouse. The house mouse does not get in trouble for the house mouse shenanigans.
Brother: why does she get to do that!
Mom: she’s not doing anything wrong!
House mouse: I love being the house mouse!
by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 19, 2022
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the place you go to when you start up disney + but get an error
Emma: wanna watch disney +?
Max: yes but I keep getting dragged to the house of mouse.
by weird ass ploopy October 2, 2023
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