Gastric Lavage is a procedure done for poisoning. If a person has ingested something toxic, and It could be potentially lethal, than the patient may be given gastric lavage. For this procedure a tube is inserted down into the stomach either via nose or the mouth. After the tube is inserted air is pumped into the stomach ia syringe to make sure the tube is in the correct place. a stethoscope is placed over the stomach, and the Dr. or nurse observes weather the air is heard in the stomach or not. If it is, GREAT, if its not you are going to start questioning weather the tube is in the esophagus, or in the airways even. If its in the airways than the patient will not be able to speak. So, after propper tube placement has been varified than the tube is connected to an even longer tube that goes from the tube in the nose/mouth, to a bag containing water. This bag goes on an IV pole, and is allowed to drain through the tube and into the patient's stomach. At the end of the tube that comes out of the patient's nose/mouth there are two holes. One for the longer tube to go to the bag on the IV pole, and another hole on the same end to go to a bag that is sat on the floor.

The bag on the floor is where that stuff drains back out. Because if it doesn't drain out, than you are just putting water down the tube, and its just going into the patient's stomach. The poison is still in there. So then the tube is drained, and the contents of the drainage bag are then emptied into a hopper which is a giant toilet where the bag or basins can be dumped and washed out.

Another drainage bag is connected to the tube, and the procedure is repeated with bags of water connected, and drained in and out of the patinet's stomach until the contents of the patient's stomach appear clear. It depends on what the patient took, but sometims after this is finished activated charcoal is put down the NG tube. Its put into the tube via a syringe, and mixed with water because it needs some help getting it to go down or it may clump and clog up in the tube. This is where you hope the patient doesn't vomit. If they do, prepare to be covered in a black and VERY gooey mess. EEEK.


fred: I am sick Dr. I took so many pills.

2. Dr: What did you take?

3. Patient: I took a whole bottle of clonidine.

4. Dr: HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone get a set up in here for gastric Lavage.

5. Patient: What on earth is that?

6. Dr.: Its where I stick a tube in your mouth, and I put water down that tube, and after that, I drain out, and do it again and again. After that i put charcoal down the tube, and let it stay there.


8. Other nurse: I have the tube ready. Open wide.

by ventilator98 April 5, 2009
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a dirty rip in the drawers; generally tends to be in a gaseous state unless you don't want it to be. Better known to the crew as a GD.

Could also be caused by a trapping of air by sniper fun.
I got a GD in my bunghole, and it's ganja tear out at any moment.
by bm February 26, 2004
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a code name for drinking beer usually associater with a feeding tube (beer bong)
code becomes un deciperable when enough slang words are used and plans for getting drunk can be made infront of adults

another codeword is friendship (liquour)
k-dizzle: yo devin we got to hit up the gastric bypass surgery hooked up to the feeding tube this weekend
devin: most def dude im sick of all the friendship we've been having lately
by k dizzle April 2, 2005
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An unsettling of your stomach that can be caused by several different things. A night of drinking, a spicy meal, or any type of dairy product. This may also cause your stomach to boil, brew, or induce violent and explosive bowel movements and diarrhea.
I just polished off a pizza and a 12 pack of Old Milwaukee's Best Light. I guarantee that at about 5am tonight I'm going to have serious GPB. Yeah, that's Gastric Pummeled Belly.
by Junkboyy January 15, 2009
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When a chick deepthroats too aggressively, and her gag reflex causes her to unexpectedly vomit on your cock.
"My date gave me a gastric lube job the other night, in the front seat of my car. It still fucking stinks so bad, I had to take the bus to work!"
by D. Gould April 20, 2006
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The very first flatulence passed during a day. Usually proceeding to the loss off 3lbs of gas weight.
<Doug wakes up> <farts> George: Doug you just had your 3lb Gastric Orgasm.
by Certamon May 5, 2009
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