Gang Been Live” aka GBL is a community of Goats who just want to enjoy life in the FRESHEST way possible!
Woahh He got that sh*t on! Must be GBL!”

“Have you seen that GBL drop?!?!”
by Caxh December 12, 2022
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A drink typically brought out at uk university rugby socials, but can be found at many sports socials.

Made of Guinness, baileys, and lime.

The lime curdles the baileys in the Guinness, making a foul concoction commonly used as a punishment at these socials. The best way to drink it is to chop it as quickly as possible.

Most often found at Durham university.
Alex made me do a GBL at the social yesterday because I got there late. :(’
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A accronym for gay bisexual and lesbian excluding the transexual community fro one reason or another
The GBL community now accepts being called gay rather then the transgendered community not wanting to be called trannies.
by madasue September 18, 2006
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"Green Blinking Lights" - synonym for network connectivity, named for the green blinking lights on routers, switches, NICs and other devices. When you have GBL, it's a good thing.
Woohooo, plugged in my new wifi router and got instant GBL.
by MC Johnny P August 18, 2011
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Past jocks or rats who are friends with baseball players and football players, and they hang out at Grand Beach in Carlsbad. When GBL's get in fights with the SBL's(state beach locals,State Beach the surf rat&skate rat territory)the jocks back them up.
"the rats and GBL got in a fight last night,and one of them called the cops on the rats and and the rats got in trouble and GBL and the jocks got away with it"
"dude that fuckin blows.. fuck gbl"
by nothingg June 26, 2007
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grand beach locals who fuck bitches and hoes for prostitution and nothing else
damn those GBL boys gangbanged my girlfriend last night
by skeeter January 6, 2005
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An ass hole that hangs around gay bars
That arsehole Chuck Jr the CFO.CPA is a GBL(Gay Bar Loiterer) and LOVES little boys.
by Drabbs April 2, 2008
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