I miss you francine balik ka na sorry sa lahat ng mga nagawa ko i love you
Wow, she's very beautiful, she must be a francine!.
by T atsuya February 23, 2022
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She rocks every hairstyle she has. She loves watching movies and occasionally play games. Typically quiet, but cherishes her friends a lot. Has music taste that gives people LSD. She wants a sugar daddy. She can never lose to a specific person in her life.
Francine: I ha*e you, Vic
by HOE SAY AHHHH November 25, 2021
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A clueless, nebbish, or otherwise lost individual. A Francine can be of either gender, and has nothing to do with femininity/masculinity. Rather, to be a Francine, one usually must make a dumb or glaringly obvious suggestion, or generally behave in a manner which is more becoming of a slightly brain-damaged garden slug.

This term seems to have originated from the 1984 film, "Ghostbusters." It was coined by Dr. Peter Venkman, played by Billy Murray, in reference to Dan Aykroyd's character.
"I was thinking that maybe for Halloween, we should carve some pumpkins!"
"Wow, way to be on top of the decorating, Francine."
by LightBoy January 25, 2006
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John: Hey, is Francine around?
Dealer: Yeah, she's right here. Do you want to pick her up?
by monikher June 29, 2021
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An exceptionally amazing person with the most brilliant red hair.
i wish i had hair that was the reddest of the red, i.e francine ramage hair
by bumblebee8919 June 29, 2010
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1) Author of teen series: Sweet Valley High and Fearless/Fearless FBI. Also wrote The Ruling Class.
1) "Francine Pascal just came out with a new fearless book came out today! Too bad she doesn't even write her own books. She comes up with the idea and then someone else writes it for her."

"That's probably why it sucks then."
by BitcharoniMacaroni October 11, 2009
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The Francine Gwenn's are among of the smartest, friendliest, and most remarkable girls you'll ever meet, despite their initial appearance of shyness. a girl who is stunning on the inside and out, typically with brown eyes that sparkle. Francine Gwenn's finds it difficult to believe in true love, yet she offers excellent, trustworthy advise. A girl who was always altruistic and placed others before herself. Very giving and will go out of her way to assist others without expecting anything in return. The Francine Gwenn's are always there for you and cherish only a select few people. The only drawback to them might be that they can be overly unselfish and allow themselves to be run over.

They are rare. Do not take this girls for granted.
B1: I can't get her out of my head, it's hard for me to show my love, she doesn't seem interested.
B2: Just be consistent and pure. Person who has traumas are very difficult to love not because of their personalities and attitude but because of their experiences that made them had to love.
B3: Are you both pertaining to a Francine Gwenn?
by Fran_psyche July 21, 2022
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