Said she didn't care that Richard Harris died, has horrible fashion sense, bad actress, steals the spotlight from Harry Potter.
Emma Watson sucks and she has bad fashion sense.
by xx_reality_xx September 22, 2005
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A British, "actress" who tried and fails to play the roll of Hermione Granger in the series Harry Potter.
Known for her radical facial expressions, bra-stuffing, fake-N-Bake tanning and wild gestures as well as her wooden acting. Watson herself said that she auditioned for the roll in Harry Potter, "As a joke." and didn't really expect anything of it. Now that the big bucks are being raked in, I'm sure she's all for it now.
Watson pushed entirely too hard at trying to break away from the Hermione look when that look and sound is what she's being paid for. Watson insists that she has a better fashion sense than Hermione when JK Rowling never made any kind of statement on what Hermione would wear besides her school uniform. And besides, has she looked in the mirror lately? If she calls a trash bag with a designer label "fashinable" Emma Watson must be living in a world all her own.
Person: Oh look, it's that chick from the Harry Potter movies.
FanGurrl: OMG I Lurrrve Emma Watson!!!LOL1
Person: Watson? I thought it was Twatson!
by Peaseblossom85 March 25, 2006
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A British Actress who was only good at playing Hermione in the first movie but then got really big headed and egotistic about herself and her fashion (which she has none).

Also known as; a girl who is very ungrateful for her once-in-a-life-time privledge to work with amazing actors.*

*You have probably heard this from a lot of different people online but, I actually know Emma. She's nice to her friends, not always nice to her fans, but in general she's a really nice girl (but not particularly bright....we had the same English teacher).
Shanie:"You know which actress I HATE?"
Lizz:"Uh...that Emma Watson girl?"
Shanie:"You guessed it! How did you know?"
Lizz:"Oh...everyone hates her. Well...exept those stupid 12 year olds and horny 17 year old guys."
by Tayam November 15, 2006
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Famous for playing Hermione in the Harry Potter movies. Most people only like her because she's pretty, but really she does a horrible job portraying Hermione. Hermione is supposed to be a smart, clever girl, but Watson's Hermione is a prissy old snob. Also, the directors don't seem to know the difference between bushy hair and curly hair.
She now models for Murberry and has become a huge diva with a gigantic ego.

She also acts with her eyebrows, which is extremely annoying.
emma watson wannabe: omg i just luvv emma watson so much! she's soo pretty i wish i looked like her
by Weasley Is Our King March 19, 2010
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She's the actress who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films. She is gorgeous and talented but like most teen stars, people hate her for no reason
person1: Are you going to see the new Harry Potter film?
person2: Yeah, but I hate Emma Watson!! She's so ungrateful and sooo stupid!!!
person1: Have you actually met her?
person2: Well, no...
person1: Then what do you hate her for? Being an actual human being with flaws, just like everybody else?
person2: uhh...
by giselle1123 December 26, 2006
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The actress that plays Hermione in the Potter movies. She has won NUMEROUS awards, including a KZone award for "Best Supporting Actress" in Prisoner of Azkaban, and she has a reign on the CBBC "Celebrity of the Week" poll. She has achieved a lot in her life, and she has accomplished more in her fifteen years than most people do in their whole lives. She is also considered an incredibly good actress by many adult actresses and actors. Miranda Richardson, who plays Rita Skeeter in "Goblet of Fire", says, "They're very grounded. "They put me to shame, really, they're much more grown up than me. They're not fazed by all the trappings of stardom and, I think, very keen to be seen as true professionals. They want to carry on in the profession and do other big work."
She is one of the best actresses in Hollywood who has not become trashy like most teenagers in Hollywood, and that is something to respect her for.
"Emma Watson is an accomplished actress"
by Emma-Duerre January 11, 2006
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