The act of taking a selfie with a corpse. The location of the corpse is irrelevant, thus the delfie can be performed during a gruesome discovery on a team hike, or at your Grandma's funeral.
I took a delfie during a hike today, all my friends loved it.
by twobeersben July 28, 2014
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A picture taken by putting ones phone halfway into a zipper of a mans trousers.
Jason put his phone halfway into his pants zipper and said.

"let me take a delfie'
by MarkTuan July 18, 2014
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Similar to a "selfie", a delfie is the act of taking a picture of your cock with intent of showing it off.
"Did you see Layne and Alex's delfie? Yeah those dicks are of monster-like proportions."
by claYFord November 7, 2013
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A selfie of the dick. Sometimes referred to as a "dick pic".
Person A: "What are you doing in the bathroom, you're taking ages!"
Person B: "Just taking a delfie lol."
by dvno May 19, 2015
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Valkatos... kurie keliavo ir keliauja. Dar keli egzemplioriai sutinkami Vilniaus pasoneje.
Varom pas romus tableciu pirkti. Cigonas - delfi romas. Paksas ir delfi paksas.
by arsas September 24, 2008
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Delfie - selfie after which you're dead.
After filming the self, has died. And he sent us his delfie.
by ZoinMihailo July 27, 2015
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A compound word composed of selfie and deltoid pioneered by Lauren findley, currently stands as the only politically correct term for a picture on shoulder day
Hey bro things are getting pretty serious with this girl she sent me a delfie and her a shoulders look af.
by Rob3638 April 8, 2018
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