Short for details...
hey dude! i need to know what's going on for tonight (what time to meet you, what bar etc.) text me back with the deets...
by j.mags May 13, 2008
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An abreviation for the word details. Typically used in casual email conversations. Not so much in the real due to the lameness of using slang in speech.
Email to friend: Sorry to hear you lost yor phone, here are my phone numbers as you requested.

Email reply: Thanks for getting back to me with the deets, i appreciate it. Talk soon! Peace
by VICKI KARMA November 1, 2006
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Deet, Noun, "A Detail". Can also be used as a verb to express desire to gain information.
Dude I heard Sam hooked up this weekend. Deet me!
by Comming Outta Orinda February 11, 2007
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used in a greeting of rednecks, or spastic drunking yelling
"Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet" or "Deet deet , Deeeet deeet"
by Mosquito_Deet March 20, 2018
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The act of "deeting" or partaking in the use of marijuana.

Can also be used as a noun; another name for marijuana is deet.

Originated in Tyrone.

Wiz Khalifa, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, and Kid Cudi all deet.
Ham: Hey man when do you wanna deet?

Matt: Oh man I'm so deetish right now.

Tony: Are you guys deetin'?

Korry: You guys! Rob smells like pure deet.
by Kwaynt December 4, 2009
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a noun given to somebody failing at something easy.
Eric missed a lay-up in basketball, what a deet!
by bobbyblex February 25, 2009
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high, stoned.
PLURAL : deets = joints / ways of getting high.
originated in port dover
"Man, i am soooo deet."
by alliy December 26, 2006
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