ONLY THE SINGLE BEST TELEVISION SHOW ON TV! Teen angst at the best. They talk like old people. And the only good character is Pacey.
I'm feeling so depressed that I'm gonna go watch Dawson's Creek so I can see Joey dump Dawson again. Oh and I can watch Pacey have sex with his teacher.
by katie July 21, 2004
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please refer to rich white teens with problems that aren't real problems
dawson's creek sucks balls as a tv show.

"OMFG debbie just totally rolled her eyes at me now my life is over."

dawson's creek sucks balls as a tv show.
by lordblazer December 6, 2006
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a great WB show. follows the lives of 4 teenagers and deals with all the problems in growing up.
dawson's creek last night was awesome
by emily April 24, 2005
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TV series about a bunch of wannabe preppy teenagers who speak each other using long fragments extracted from their own graduation speeches or personal diaries. They are friends because nobody else would stand them.
My life is so complex now...I don't know why I tend to complicate every pathetic thing that happens to me...and I'm only 17...and do nothing at all...
by el propio January 5, 2005
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When you watch Dawson Creek, Masterbait, and jizz all over the screen. then, you whipe it off with your ass, and pay a prostatute to lick it off
Dude, did you hear that chick dawson creeked with Jim yesterday? Man thats sick. Dawson creeking is so nasty
by It`sMeeeee December 10, 2010
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Spending way too long discussing something that can be solved in one or two short sentences; getting your head pecked by a bird
Mini was Dawson Creeking G for 2 hours last night because he said she hadn't changed.....
by paulo d'badger February 29, 2012
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a moment that is so emotional, sappy, romantic and/or cheesy that it belongs on the sappy TV show dawson's creek with sappy pop music ballads playing in the background
When Julian said he loved me it was a total dawson's creek moment.
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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