Christopher Columbus is CREDITIED with discovering "the new world", but in fact, he didn't.
Hey kids! Who found America!
2nd graders: Christopher Columbus!
No! The Vikings!
2nd graders: o.o
by vicvic30 April 14, 2007
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While sucking a bro off, you give their dick an Indian burn after wrapping an Italian food (pizza) around it. The Italian-Indian cultural fusion gives the sex act its name.
"Dude, my homie just gave me the Christopher Columbus of my life and now I gotta go to the ER for third-degree burns on my genitals"
by i do not care bruh March 14, 2022
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the act of a fraternity guy, roofie-ing a girl and then driving her hundreds of miles away and then dumping her in the woods in hopes that she can find her way home.
Brad: What happened to my girlfriend, (insert slut name here)?
Zach: We gave her the ole Christopher Columbus. You won't have to worry about her for a while.
Brad: Sobs in the corner while masterbating into a sock.
by Affen Ficker December 24, 2008
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The urinal game of finding the target on the urinal,(usually near the top) where you belive the porcelin is entirely untouched, and thus marking it as your own territory.
Bro I totally just Christopher Columbused that urinal, the upper left corner is all mine.
by Mistletoe's RHA CWRU November 1, 2010
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An attempt at ejaculating on a woman's breast that mistakenly ends up on her face
"Dude, I just had a Christopher Columbus with her, and now she won't pick up the phone ... "
by P84 February 10, 2013
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When you take a monster shit and it touches dry land. i.e. the dry part of the toilet.
Dude I just dropped a Christopher Columbus in that bitches toilet. She's going to have to use the other end of the plunger to get that mother fucker down.
by Drew Pesak April 1, 2010
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A man who is wrongly portrayed as evil. He was not evil, racism was simply a fact of life back then. He also didn’t kill all native Americans, most of them died by disease.
Keep Christopher Columbus day! He was a smart man who gave birth to the modern Western Hemisphere. None of us Americans would be here without him. He didn’t slaughter all the Natives, disease killed them.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx September 29, 2020
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