A term used to define a Chinese person who tries to act like a black person.

Only retards who have too much time on their hands use this term.
Loser1: Hey, do you know what a Chigger is?
Loser2: I dunno, you're too cool for me
Loser1: A Chinese Nigger!
Loser2: You're too funny!
Loser1: I spent all day yesterday making it up!
by Brittany January 7, 2005
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An offensive term for a chinese person who thinks their black. (chinese nigger)

Similar to wigger which is a white person who thinks they are or act like they are black.
Kai Chin Phan is a chigger.
by GenocideX March 3, 2005
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a tiny red bug that lives in the grass in the midwest that sucks your blood. can create rash and itch and shit.
fuck, i got a chigger bite
by definerX April 8, 2007
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a chinese black man.
a parasite that lives in grass.
ah, shit, run, that chigger has a gun!
aw man, i got chiggers on my ankle
by ShPanDa349 July 29, 2009
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a person of asian decent who somehow becomes confused and begins thinking they are black. can usually be seen wearing outdated baggy clothes or exact outfits seen in rap videos. they can be heard over using slang tearms like dawgg, homey, son, potna, etc. chigger=wigger but for asians
picture jackie chan being made over by master p. that would be a chigger.
by Speakdatruth March 8, 2006
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