To rub a vibrator tip between a woman's labia. The term derived from an MSN conversation featuring a girl who exclaimed to the world, "I just carved my pumpkin!"
Girl 1: Hey, do you wanna come over later and carve my pumpkin?

Girl 2: Yeah baby! Only if you do mine though! I love Pumpkin Carving!


♥(youknowwhoyouareLOL)♥ says:
*I just carved my pumpkin!
by Restores Alertness October 31, 2009
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the process of digging a girl out with a spoon like utensil.
man: how did your night, go?
bro: amazing! i was pumpkin carving the shit of her.
man: no way!
bro: way! smell this spoon
by spank McNasty January 21, 2012
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The most commonly used term to disguise a rally for white supremacists.
"Hey, I'm getting really sick of all these minorities, I think it's time for a Pumpkin Carving Party"
by Pumpkins=Racism October 14, 2008
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When you simply take an ice rod and insert it analy into the girl. After the butthole is numb you cut the edges of the butthole so it is bleeding. When you insert your penis into the butthole you will come out with ketchup on a hotdog, the blood makes the feeling more slick.
Bro I carved that girls Alaskan pumpkin the other day!

I was carving the Chilly pumpkin on this girl last night.
by Undercover dildo December 15, 2016
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When that booty look like a pumpkin, dudes wanna carve it..
Damn girl! You got a pumkin tail!! And i think imma carve that pumpkin!!
by Lownwnflsmd July 23, 2015
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Fucking someone’s girl so much that their vagina literally looks like it’s been carved.
by Doseofshadi October 23, 2017
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During the month of October, shaving a design in to your girlfriend's/wife's pubes while leaving the surrounding area completely bare.
"Last night, my girlfriend let me carve the pumpkin before she got in the shower."
by Kal-El 12 October 31, 2018
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