Because he has the name Josip he is a Legend and if you disagree you are probably serbian or a lame faggot.
Josip Broz Tito a hero who deserves houndreds of medals of honor.
by Josip(Legend) January 6, 2017
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Josip Broz Tito (May 25, 1892May 4, 1980) was the leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) between the end of World War II and his death in 1980.

He was a fighter for a socialist democracy, equality, and a great diplomat.
Ex-Yugoslavia and the Balkans will never as great as they were while Josip Broz Tito was in power!
by tomislav December 7, 2005
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An very unhealthy and often absusive relationship between two males or bros. Their sexual orientation is usually very questionable.

These kind of relationships have risen 44% over the last year.
There have been several documented cases where one male will abuse the other, usually the smaller of the two.

There even have been reported cases of bro rape.
This usually comes from a urge to "dominate" or "own" other men.

A most notable example of this is between a fat mexican and a small white boy. The small white boy is usually powerless to stop the abuse from his larger partner.

If someone attempts to start a Broz 4 lyfe relationship with you, you should contact the authorities immediately.
Bro 1: Yo we are Broz 4 lyfe!!!!!!
Straight dude: NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!

Bro 1: Broz 4 lyfe?
Dude 2: No. I am going to call the police now.

Bro you want to be Broz 4 lyfe?
by Dick Mussel October 27, 2010
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A lame shitfull communistic faggot that was once a leader of Yugoslavia. He was a dictator, a tyrant and a mass murderer. No better than Saddam.
josip broz tito was a mass murderer and a communist.
by Backstreet Boys suck October 16, 2007
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The Broz is the group that i made bc of retarded The Boyz.They are so toxic so i made The Broz.We:Protect childs,love basketball,dont like boys,are suportiv,support LGBTQ+.
Hey i am part of The Boyz now

What?Dont you ever talk to me again i am in The Broz you toxic
by DarkJanko March 7, 2021
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A great YouTuber. Is part of Team Infinite, Inc. Subscribe to him!
by YTDeffinitions April 10, 2018
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