A hot suace that I guess lights your shit on fire and blast out of you ass sizzling as it hits the water in the dumper.
That ass blaster sauce really packs a punch.
by Chaos July 21, 2003
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Where you insert a super soaker filled with cum into a woman's Ass and pull the trigger
"Bro I gave Landens mom an Ass Blaster last night"
by Mama kendig May 31, 2020
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Putting 3/4 of your arm up a girls ass (from behind), then hooking the young lady in the stomach as you remove aforementioned arm. Thus inciting a landslide of feces from her rectum.
There is so muche shit here there must have been an ass blaster.
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An intense shit explosion that shoots one at least five feet in the air
Man one:why is there a home in the cealing

Man two:it was jcak he had an ass blaster
by Kiwi daddy March 7, 2019
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When preforming reverse cowgirl anal sex, take your partner, and spin her wildly like Baraka's spin move from Mortal Kombat.
Jim, I totally gave Miranda a Tarkatan Ass-Blaster!
by Geno-Cyde May 2, 2011
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When you are having a loud, explosive diarrhea; and you are powering up like a Super Saiyan - tensing your muscles, fists clenched and yelling with intensity.

Note: more satisfying when someone hears it; them looking at you in disbelief is considered a bonus
I was in the bathroom and heard what sounded like an ass blaster disaster. It was like his power level was over 9000!
by Djish91 February 19, 2019
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