A darn good band from Canada. What's the deal with these bands from Canada within the last six or so years? Did they suddenly learn how to make music? But hey, what do I know, I'm just a dictionary.
Noun, in reference to someone pathetic: "HE'S no Billy Talent."
Verb, when threatened: "Don't make me go all Billy Talent on yo' ass."
by Dave Garroway December 19, 2003
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the BEST fucking band ever, led by my sexy koala bear ben kowalewicz.. started out as pezz and became billy talent after watching hard core logo, their namesake being billy tallent.
me + billy (talent) = heaven.
by HawtPantsDelonge January 18, 2005
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The best band ever and i saw i diss down there right after the fist one posted. which is the one i put in. and if fucking hate billy talent you must have s fuckign buildup of wax in ur pop-loving ears and clean that out cuz if u dont even like billy talent a little bit u might aswell go sing with avril as she entertains little 10 year olds. thats probly what your calling in life is anyway
Stupid avril lover: WHAT!?!
Hannah: Billy Talent rules!
Stupid avril lover: oh really? all i do is poison myself with avril poison. THANKS FOR TEH ADVICE
by You_Fking_Wish. November 26, 2003
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The best band of all time.. honestly gurls listin to this music...his voice just does soemthign to you!!
aka...he amkes you Hot!
by Tia January 13, 2004
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a great punk-alternative sort band from toronto, canada (woo!). unfortuneately, they kind of fall into the mainstream, so mosh pits are populated with whiny girls with trucker hats, wristbands, skate shoes, and "punk" shirts.
girls at tent - "lets pretend were canadian!"
by the_bystander@hotmail.com September 17, 2004
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Really awesome band. Sounds sorta like a Canadian AFI.
by Havok January 17, 2004
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