1)Surgery is something "painless" during the process, but after the god damn surgery you will feel intense pain after the anesthesia passes away.

2)Surgery is something that will make you poor, since making your dick bigger costs 2,000$

3)Surgery is another way to make you stop eating delicious food and eat vegetables depending on how much time the fucking doctor told you.
How come removing a nail costs 110$ if it's one simple surgery???
by Amenazzy July 29, 2017
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To preform acts of medical needs to ones self in a restroom/bathroom, becoming very popular with the current times.
Person 1: "how'd your foot surgery go?"
Person 2: "I didnt go, to save money I just cut my foot open"
Person 1: "ahh.. good old bathroom surgery"

"Lets take him to the hospital!"

"No, we can do it ourselves"
"hes got a bulllet wound to the face"
by RedneckND October 17, 2009
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when your rolling a blunt and you rip/tear it and have to try to repair it any way you can without damaging it any further
kevin was rollin a fatty when a stem ripped through the blunt and he had to perform blunt surgery by using an extra piece of wrap to patch up the hole
by 858596790583473 July 23, 2010
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A nickname for surgery that is meant to be performed rapidly to stabilize the patient as quickly as possible.
Amid technical innovations and changes of personnel, one thing that did not change was the MASH's basic function of performing what Capt. H. Richard Hornberger of the 8055th later called "meatball surgery." Speaking as Richard Hooker, pseudonymous author of M*A*S*H, he suggested that meatball surgery is a specialty in itself. "We are not concerned with the ultimate reconstruction of the patient. We are concerned only with getting the kid out of here alive enough for someone else to reconstruct him. Up to a point we are concerned with fingers, hands, arms and legs, but sometimes we deliberately sacrifice a leg in order to save a life, if the other wounds are more important. In fact, now and then we may lose a leg because, if we spent an extra hour trying to save it, another guy in the pre-op ward could die from being operated on too late. Our general attitude around here is that we want to play par surgery. Par is a live patient."
by Jack Neary August 16, 2006
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(n) The hardest fucking thing imaginable. It's combining Rocket Science and Brain Surgery. Be careful while doing it.
Person 1: "Hey, could you help me with striking this Fresnel?"
Person 2: "Dude that looks like Rocket Surgery to me, hard pass."
by The7thComrade May 17, 2019
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(adj.) Much like "rocket science," this term is used to describe any activity which may seem overly intricate to the average Joe Sixpack.
I asked Billy Bob to program the DVR to automatically record WWE every week. He looked at me like I expected him to perform brain surgery.
by fugitive247 November 11, 2004
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