The act of giving an unsuspecting victim a smack in the privates with the back of the hand, resulting in the victim adopting the familiar Mick Jagger stance. Often accompanied by the exclamation "Mick Jagger!"
Watch me as I Mick Jagger that guy at the bar...
by Custardo April 6, 2011
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Another name for a pint of lager due to it sounding the same.
"I'll have a pint of Mick Jagger please"
by LanceSmith September 12, 2008
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repetively jabbing someone in the private area
i am going to mick jagger you so hard you wont be able to pee for a week!
by nincome August 1, 2010
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When inserting a candy bar into a vigiana and then proceeding to eat it.
Dude I totally pulled off the Mick Jagger using a Twix bar last night. I really hope she doesn't get a yeast infection.
by jongo November 5, 2012
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A person constantly being mentioned in new songs, but himself doesn't really do anything.
Tik tok: "We kick 'em to the curb unless they look lick mick jagger"
Moves like jagger: "got them mooooooves like jagga"
by Shneebs September 23, 2011
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Slang word in some areas for a lesbian or dyke.
Those girls are such Mick Jaggers!
by TheRedHotSwamis March 26, 2010
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a dude that is TOTALLY a Rad Person! snorted his fathers ashes... :S wears tight clothig and was good pal with John Lennon (whos THE BOMB)
LOOK ! AT HIM! its Mick Jagger! WOOOHOOOO
by Kayla Ine March 21, 2009
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