One who love to work in a Box a lot and loves honey. Is afraid of getting popped by a bee and getting all wet.
Lockwood got box AGAIN?!?!
by migel June 4, 2005
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Jess Lockwood is the 2017 and 2019 PBR Champ of the World.
by canchaser January 11, 2021
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A YouTube channel and animation studio currently specializing in stop motion but hopes to branch out to other forms of animation in the future. The studio is known for its shrek eating Harry Potter videos and has built a small fan base around them.
Have you seen the new upload from Lockwood studios yet?
by Lockwood studios October 29, 2018
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When 2 truck drivers meet in the rest stop/truck stop bathrooms and cross swords.
Jackson met with Tom at the rest stop on I69 and had a Johnny Lockwood.
by Spidermonkey317 July 24, 2021
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He really likes cars, like he REALLY likes cars. You don't understand how much he likes cars, and anal
Jarod Lockwood, or Larod Jockwood, likes cars
by Larod Jockwood September 4, 2015
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If your name is Leo Lockwood you probably have lots of sex and are very cool.
Woah did you see Leo Lockwood he is so hot
by Bbc man69 March 21, 2021
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