4 definitions by Spidermonkey317

A guy who dresses up like a cowboy when going to the rodeo and tries to hook up with winning bronc and bull riders. They typically wear Keith Urban straw cowboy hats, Brad Paisley button up shirts, fresh out of the box pointed toe cowboy boots and skinny jeans. Typically they are freshly shaven.
I went to the rodeo with my buddy Murph and he was acting like a Buckle Buck all night. I had no idea he went broke back until then.
by Spidermonkey317 July 24, 2021
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When 2 truck drivers meet in the rest stop/truck stop bathrooms and cross swords.
Jackson met with Tom at the rest stop on I69 and had a Johnny Lockwood.
by Spidermonkey317 July 24, 2021
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When having sex and accidently sticking it in the backdoor because you haven't had sex in a long time and forgot which hole to use.
I finally had Murph stay over last nightpushy. didn't realize he was going to be such a rusty humper. He actually asked me where he should stick it because he didn't know the difference between my ass hole and my pussy.
by Spidermonkey317 April 18, 2022
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When a man presses his limp penis and testicles against a glass shower door.
Chris was in the shower as we were getting ready to go out to dinner and thought he needed to show me his squishy snail.
by Spidermonkey317 December 17, 2016
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