the first and (so far) worst decade of the 21st century. From really bad events like the election of George Bush to 9/11 to Iraq War to bad economy. The decade of overly commercialized junk from music to clothes, where an iPod that costs 20 dollars to make is sold for ten times the price and jeans with holes in them cost more than a week’s worth of minimum wage. The decade that MTV went from a good music video channel to a utter promoter of degenerating shit culture of hop hip and reality TV shows, which lead to stupid white kids dressing up and acting like "gangstas" and trying to sing like bad singers like snoop dog and soulja boy. The decade where Nickelodeon stopped airing classy channels like Kenan and Kel and Rockos Modern Life to airing retarded shows like iCarly, Spongebob, and TruJackson. The decade of Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus and other slut culture Disney promotes. The decade were Tiger Wood's affairs are more important than the War in Afghanistan, especially when the president sent another surge of troops. The decade of very few good films where everything else is a bad remake, adaptation, sequel, parody, or super hero. Politics turned into a total joke. Kids are glued to their computers and PS3s or Xbox 360s while the swings and slides in the park rust day after day. The decade of ugly tight jeans and tight sweaters.
The 2000s suck so much the the 1970s seem like a better decade.
by t678 December 26, 2009
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See Two-Thousands AKA the 2XXXs
A thousand year period.
Not to be confused with the Third Millenium, which begins and ends exactly a year later.
The 2000s begin on January 1st of the year 2000 and end on December 31st of the year 2999 @ 11:59 P.M.
Source: Miskatonic Jack 2, The Ohio River Valley
by Miskatonic Jack 2 November 5, 2006
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Shitty decade that will be laughed at much like the 80's. It is very similar to the 80's but less original.

.It is not the "hipster decade" or the decade of indie rock. Most people listen to shitty bling rap, generic pseudo emo/mall punk, stupid brain dead pop or at the end of the decade, ear bleedingly bad fusions of all of those styles a la Brokencyde.

.Everyone tends to become "escapists" which means watch there stupid reality shows, partaaay a lot and watch overrated youtube "celebrities" like Fred while the world crumbles around them.

.Gays are not becoming more accepted, if they were they would be allowed to marry in California and other places.

.Most of the decade is spent with the worst President ever George Bush who America elected TWICE just to show you how stupid America has become in the new decade.

.TV is mostly beyond stupid reality shows and teeny bopper Disney bullshit.

.Nearly every single counterculture movement or non-mainstream music style has been commercialized from punk to emo to indie.

There are some good things about 2000's however.

.In the later half of the decade movies started making a comeback from the shitty sequel and remake period early on with some will be classics like Juno, The Dark Knight and the works of Judd Apatow.

.People become somewhat more environmentally conscious although we still have a ways to go.

.Non-mainstream musical styles like indie rock have become more available via internet radio.

.In the later half of the decade, we elected President Obama who seems at least competent.

.Video games are becoming more diverse with the rise of casual games and indie games.
"The 2000s are a mostly shitty decade defined by bad music, bad movies, bad politics, bad TV and overall shallowness and stupidity. Lets hope the 2010s are better."
by Novedzago September 19, 2009
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The most recent past decade. First of the 21st century.

Usually pronounced "The Two Thousands" or "The Noughties". Though technically the decade ran from 2000-2009, the actual decade, like all decades, did not perfectly coincide with this. The 90s actually died in 2001 and the 2010s actually began in 2009 with the rise of Auto-tune and Justin Bieber.

Worst decade since the 1940s, and that's only because the world was almost blown to bits then. The '40s had a much cooler style and culture.

The 2000s were the first decade to embrace all the previous fashions and trends of the past decade (1990s), only to do it in a much lamer way.

Even in 2011, you still have kids who love South Park and Eminem, so in a way, the 2010s are just continuing to copy the 90s.

The 2000s were so void of original ideas, even the kids don't like them and we all were aching to return to the 20th century.

The decade of talentless rap, horrible whiny emo music, uber-boring Post-Grunge, relentless profanity, ugly tattoos, and trashy pop stars.

Thank God it's the 2010s.
"Remember the 2000s"?

"Yeah, what was the difference between the 2000s and the 1990s?"

"Pretty much nothing, except the 2000s sucked a lot more."

by 90schilde September 26, 2011
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A power move used in bboying where a bboy starts off on their feet and builds momentum while getting into a handstand. The bboy continues to place one hand on the wrist and twerks the upper body sideways to create a spinning motion while balanced on the palm of their hand.
That korean guy's 2000s are very fast!
by ck7o3 February 4, 2007
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The decade that will go down in history as being one of the WORST. The economy turned to shit. The housing market was crazy. Gas prices went WAY up.

George dubya Bush was Americas leader for nearly the whole damn decade.

Shitty nonsensical music saturated the airwaves.

9/11 happened

War in the middle east

A horrible start of the 21st century.

The only real good things to come out of this decade was technological advances and the hipster mindset. Maybe not technological advances, cause now everyone is buried into their FUCKING iPhone

In the last part of the decade Obamanation has proven himself to be a very inept leader, how tf is healthcare reform and saving dying corporations going to save the economy from going into deeper shit?
Pretty much a summary of this shit decade, the 2000s

Because of the way this economy is America will become bankrupt pretty damn soon, leaving China as the supreme ruler of the earth.
by rek-cram October 17, 2011
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See Two-Thousands AKA the 2XXXs
A thousand year period.
Not to be confused with the Third Millenium, which begins and ends exactly a year later.
The 2000s begin on January 1st of the year 2000 and end on December 31st of the year 2999 @ 11:59 P.M.
by Miskatonic Jack 2 October 31, 2006
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