She smiled, no teeth, said something about stop counting the votes and I put her down as a low I.Q. Democrat....but I spell it Republican.
by Charlie Currie November 5, 2020
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Dad: son, we have to go to lowe’s
Son: why do we have to go to that boring place?
by DatMenke123 December 3, 2022
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Taking your work laptop home with you, and then forgetting to bring it with you to work the following day. Requires you to turn around and go back home for retrieval, or request to check one out from the company IT department for the day.
I pulled a Z-low and will be 30 minutes late to work this morning.
Z-lowing has reduced employee productivity by 11% in the second quarter.
Every time a deadline comes up I always pull a Z-low...soooooo annoying!
Dude, what's a bigger bummer - lighting your hair on fire when blowing out birthday candles, or z-lowing?
by kali0055 August 19, 2013
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A person who has low understanding of a joke or small things
Thirdy:have you seen the movie “tala
Jean:no I haven’t

Thirdy: because it hasn’t come out yet hahahaha
Jean: huh
Thirdy you’re so low gets hahahaha
by Thirdy Señar March 16, 2020
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Being the lowest of low class you can think of. Like absolutely gutter trash.
Becca is so low down, she’s fucked everyone in town
by trinity anetra January 13, 2023
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To say and do the right thin so a girl falls for you and you can start / keep banging her until you get bored and phase her out while you Nicky Lowe another in
She's fit but I'm gonna have to Nicky Lowe her to get her back to mine
by Snorlax July 25, 2016
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When in the bid process for services, your bid is the lowest bid out of all the bidders by a wide margin and is most likely missing scope and you most likely have to honor your bid
Our bid for the work was shit low.
by June 8, 2022
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