What your hot wife says to the 11- and 12-year-old girls playing mini softball and arguing in your hotel room during an extended rain delay
It’s supposed to be naptime bitches!
by July 23, 2022
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What your hot wife says to the 11- and 12-year-old girls playing mini softball and arguing in your hotel room during an extended rain delay
It’s supposed to be naptime bitches!
by July 23, 2022
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Someone who doesnt care about you or whats going on for u fr. Some that drop ur address ready to fight with no strap.
Some that are just bad for you in general, its like dutches pretty much. You shall not love no bitch!
get the fuck out of my house bitch
bitch i pay yo rent
suck my dick or ill make u do it bitch

bitch (adjective)
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Someone who doesn't genuinely care about you or what you got going on fr Someone who only cares about themselves and or materialistic things A bitch can be a man or a woman Thou shall not love no bitch
Person 1 : hey bitch
Bitch (adjective) : *ignores and flips person 1 off*
by A non bitch (adjective) April 8, 2023
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What you get called in the torchys parking lot by some drunk old trailer trash lady trying to pull out of her parking spot while you're so-called "in the way"
by Wakebitchez February 3, 2016
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A man who is addicted to paying for pussy. So, addicted, he'll put it above everything and everyone else even his family or girlfriend. He lies, manipulates, and acts like a little bitch. He will spend his last dime to fuck a dump truck hooker with diseases but refuses to get help. Most likely still lives with his parents and has never grown up or done anything man like. Wants to be a bitch forever. Pathetic and selfish. Neve takes accountability and blames everything on others like a real bitch. Gets angry when he has to answer for his bitch like behavior and has no remorse or respect. Abused everyone around him. Can't have any real relationship cause he lies and manipulates everyone and has zero ability to be honest, loyal, and not a bitch. Embarrassment has no effect on him. He has no shame in being obsessed with fucking prostitutes and zero desire to stop . Will probably die from disease alone in his parents garage. Has no honor or integrity and provides no positive example of what a man should be for his kids. Throws tantrums like a toddler and justifies everything. Has no regard for others and will abuse people who love him till they are broken with depression and then he'll leave them and go on being a pathetic lying trick but claims to be the victim. Will never offer any kind of amends or remorse and sleeps like a baby after destroying other people.
Chris claimed to be a good guy but was a real bitch ass trick
by GlowUpglam September 17, 2023
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{Verb} To make a U-turn. Originated in Austin, Texas.
Yo, you just passed your exit. whoop a bitch right here dawg.
by Texas Cannon November 29, 2017
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