Romanian saying about dealing with situations that cause drama, but are not in ones complete control to solve.
one says: "I really hate my neighbourhood. I wonder if I will ever find a new place to move away from there."
one answers: "I'm sure it will work out somehow. let the karma deal with the drama!"
by Chirita May 26, 2018
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Execute Great Goals
To hatch an idea
I just thought of the best idea! Let’s EGG!
by WCaleb789 May 4, 2023
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A commonplace phrase of the word, which has many different meanings, but the most used is when someone wishes to politely ask you to leave or avoid them altogether.
Person of interest: Hey, I kinda like you, and was hoping we could hang out!

You: Oh, no thanks! Let's be friends instead!
by QueenPoisonstar May 23, 2019
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The act of making love in an agressive or dominant fashion
Hey honey (lets roll around)
by Jr. El Chapo October 10, 2017
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the act of rapping in a sexual manner meanwhile, being maidenless.
"ayo lets hoey"

"lets spit some hoey right now."
by VibrantM June 15, 2022
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Dirty means riding a dirt road with your pals while intoxicated and blasting music. It’s a party on wheels.
“Hey do y’all wanna go hit a dirty?”
Broooo let’s go ride a dirty!”
“Hey let’s hit a dirty tonight!”
by SoberSisters4Life November 2, 2021
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