When you are 69ng and you ever so lightly lick the anus.
During my second backwards jockey session, I decided to change things up and swipe the card repeatedly.
by Deezlunch November 14, 2017
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An argument, similar to the race card but used to try and shame men who speak their mind about things that are important to society.
Bob: "Women shouldn't be dressing in slutty clothes to work and talking smack about their husband."
Linda: "Stop thinking you can tell others how to live their lives. And stop judging others. That’s’ just creepy."
Bob: "You need to stop pulling the creepy card"
by thenextbojizzle October 1, 2022
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When a women uses someone who wants to have sex with her for goods or services.
Becky is broke but she'll use that "Furry Credit Card " to smoke out tonight.

Damn Becky you look good ,we definitely getting free drinks on the "Furry Credit Card" tonight!

Becky has been uses the "Furry Credit Card" to get rides to work all week!
by Dusty Nuggets May 9, 2018
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The one thing that you still have from when you were optimistic about being fit, but now lives alone on your desk. The only thing that no matter what, you can't promise to use.
Woah, you got a Gym Membership Card?

Yeah, probably not gonna use it though.
by The Living Walking Dictionary February 9, 2023
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The oldest NFT art project on the ethereum blockchain and predates CryptoPunks. Curio features 30 unique series of cards from 7 different artists, with an additional misprint 17B.

Curio Cards launched on May 9th, 2017. Furthermore, Curio Cards was the first art ever sold at Christie's in which the live auction was denominated in ETH on October 1st, 2021 - sold for 393 ETH ($1.2 Million) .
I recently found this undervalued NFT project which is the first art project on the Ethereum blockchain called Curio Cards.
by curiocardholder - nt October 2, 2021
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A play one makes when "checking", dissing, rebutting or putting down another--either their idea, behavior or character--using the opening line, "Dude!..."
Ex. 1:

Dude 1: Man, I'm SO gonna get laid hittin' on chicks at work.

Dude 2: Dude! You gotta stop that, you're gonna get fired or kicked in the nuts!

Dude 1: Dude! Don't play the dude card on me! I'm yer bro!

Dude 2: Dude! I'm not yer bro! And if I DON'T play the dude card on you, yer gonna get kicked in the nuts! You OBVIOUSLY have NO CLUE what yer doing!

Ex. 2:

Dude 1: Bro, I got so wasted last night I broke my face on the railing!

Dude 2: Dude! This is NOT something to brag about! Yer face is still bleeding! Go to the hospital before I slip and sue you for fallin' on my ass in your face-blood!

Dude 1: Dude! Do NOT play the dude card on me when my frickin' face is bleedin'! OWWWW! Take me to the hospital!
by Tee$ December 12, 2011
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