When a parent usually Mother says tommorow evey single day after you ask for something.
Basically means no but it's a less rude more annoying way to say it.
-Mom can i get minecraft.
-Tommorow (Pulls The tommorow card)
"Next day"
-Mom can i get minecraft today.
And so on and so on
by Hellomanman October 8, 2019
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The Awesomest Flippin set of cards since yugioh and pokemon . One pack is received for every $20 spent at woolworths in Australia. during the Christmas period of 2013 woolworths encouraged by the orgional series success they released a limited edition set of baby animal cards that went in a separate binder that hooked onto the front of the old and featured 36 "Baby animal" cards some "Baby" reprints and some all new.
Jesus man I just went and spent $2000 at woolworths and got 200 packs of aussie animal cards and a binder. Guess what I am still missing 1 card from both the orginal and baby animals .
by Sayaka Miki December 10, 2013
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The Uno reverse card meme trend began around May 10, 2018 when a user linked Uno to the existing "No U" meme. It was a natural fit given that "No U" is an anagram of "Uno." From there, users on the Internet transformed the "No U" Uno card meme into the Uno reverse card meme and hilarity ensued.
Bill:U fat
Jack:*uses uno reverse card*
Bill:Oh no im fat now
by JasonHW November 9, 2021
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A meme card is based on a card game called uno, Under the official Uno rules, when an Uno reverse card is played, the direction of play is reversed. If the play was going clockwise, it now goes counter-clockwise and vice versa and so it become meme which called "resist" or "no u"
Person 1: bro have you seen Joe?
Person 2: what's Joe? <--using Uno Reverse Card
Person 1: who's Joe* <still didn't realize he has made a giant no u mistake
Person 2: JOE MAMA (cannot resist by saying who Joe mama anymore)
Person 1:*think again of what he did in his life*
by Ruser March 18, 2022
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A very strong weapon no one can avoid.
Bully: Yo mom so stupid she took a spoon to the super bowl!!!
Me: *uno reverse card*
Bully: IU IUD O HIUOX o OUIG Tyi oce iuG guyi!!!!!!!
by 🐦🐦🐦🐦 June 20, 2022
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