vegetariansthey are just people that make meat eaters feel bad about what they eat and they worship peta and they make commercial with hot ass chick which doesnt really help it only makes you more hornier. they make you feel responsible about eating meat note you are not responsible your undirectibly unresponsible its not like you killed the cow your self eat and they donate money to websites to peta and whatnot dnt give in to vegetarians
vegetarian kid "dnt eat meat ur reaponsible become vegetarian"
meat eater "stupid cunt is he supposed to make us feel bad and expect us to throw away our burgers fucking vegetarians"
by relentless™ April 2, 2009
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Someone who doesn’t eat meat products. Vegans don’t eat any animal products

One issue is vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is a necessary nutrient found only in animal foods. Vitamin B-12 pills are poorly absorbed. No 100% vegetarian population exists, except for India which eats lots of dairy.

Protein is okay in vegetarian diets, but Zinc is low. The recommended dietary allowance for Zinc is 11 mg daily, but due to anti-nutrients in seeds, the vegetarian requirement is 15 mg. Vegetarians usually do not consume enough zinc.

But it has health benefits over the standard diet because we eat less fruits and vegetables. Anthropological/nutritional evidence shows that we should eat mostly plants with some animal products. Our hominid species evolved to eat red meats, but only during successful hunts and probably not daily.

Vegetarians choose this diet to avoid causing pain to animals. However, the U.S. Humane Slaughter Act requires animals to be painlessly knocked unconscious before slaughter. Rubbing the belly of a crab knocks it unconscious before cooking. Oysters arguably feel no pain. Fish poisons such as Jamaican Dogwood are non-toxic to humans but painlessly sedate and kill fish.

Vegetarians also believe that it takes more energy to grow meat than to grow plants, but this isn’t true for grass fed meat. Fish farming can be more sustainable than extra plants for vegetarians if managed to avoid overfishing. Oyster farms are good for ecosystems.
I choose to be a vegetarian because it's morally, nutritionally, and environmentally superior to a meat-based diet.
by Dr. Cordain February 24, 2011
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1. (n)A person or group of people that are stupid and arrogant enough to believe that they, and they alone, are responsible for "saving lives" when all they are doing is supporting the overpopulation of animals thereby causing them to starve to death (horrible way to die) while at the same time destroying their own bodies because humans are MEAT EATERS.

2. (adj) A word describing any elitest idiot who demands the rest of society follow their destructive eating habits.
Save the ferns, eat a vegatarian.
by dammit janet July 3, 2003
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An old sioux indian term meaning poor hunter.
Look at Ten Bears eating the bark off that tree. He's such a vegatarian. Pass me the Bison liver.
by AugieS June 27, 2005
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(1) A vegetarian diet is one which excludes animal flesh but may include eggs and dairy products.

(Origin) From the native American Blackfoot Tribe. Direct translation: "Can't Hunt Well."
"I always knew that Dan would become a vegetarian. He was a real pussy."
by EvilCream July 28, 2005
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A person who kills plants for food, claiming it's evil to kill animals.
"I'm going to kill a plant and then tell everyone how bad it is to kill."
—Random Vegetarian
by Relentless February 11, 2005
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A excuse to prevent indigestion, projectile vomit, insulting of family members, or other discomforts that are caused by eating certain meats.
Bill- Why haven't you eaten your haggis?
Bob- I'm a vegetarian
by <3zeEMO July 14, 2006
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