Fucking 30 year old virgin that wants to take little kids to pound town
White van with free vbucks = Pedophile
by God69sergei420 February 3, 2021
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I went to the church yesterday and the pedophile talked about some religious shit
by Hauge Fuckboi September 26, 2019
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Someone who deserves respect and authority and if someone finds them to be bad, they should be spanked aggressively.
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A creepy or unnervingly friendly person who targets other people in a much younger class than them sexually or romantically.
by TheMisterMadam December 27, 2016
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usually a man who stalks his victims and often stares and makes weird comments to them. he also sometimes fantasizes about them and finds out where they live.
Katie: Greg followed me home the other day. I don't want him to know where I live.
*Next Day*
Greg: Hey Katie I passed by you on my way to.... following you home? I'm a pedophile... uhhh BYE!
by missmissy1994 June 15, 2012
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