Being struck in the belly by the handle of a snow shovel. This usually happens when you walk behind a snow shovel as you plow the snow out of the way and suddenly strike a crack or seam in the cement.
Oh man! I just got nailed by a sidewalk sucker punch. It knocked the wind out of me. I'll finish shoveling the snow later.
by DrTinz February 19, 2008
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To say that one could fry an egg on the sidewalk means it's very hot outside. It is actually possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk with the help of mirrors or a solar concentrator. This is often done in developing countries.
It's so hot outside that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
by chonk cat November 2, 2008
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Me and Kate having youme time. together, in my arms, nobody around us (except the scream guy and the guy with the dogs), love, kate, me, together, love!!!!!
by Matt February 18, 2003
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An alternative to the Cleveland Steamer, in which you poop on your partner's chest and proceed to rub your feet in it.
"I gave Brandy a San Francisco Sidewalk after eating at Taco Bell last night"
by Dienda Mye Dick September 27, 2019
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where someone is offered sex from a total stranger in public often by someone passing them on the sidewalk.there is often clothes a woman wears to signal that she is open to it. she often wears red clothing with lace.
by Deep blue 2012 October 22, 2009
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A group, or rather a troop, of African American teens from Englewood who are well known on Youtube for making videos about "jerkeen" which is a type of pan-african cultural dance. They are most notably recognized by the jerkeen community as all of the members have a physical handicap which sets their group apart from other groups such as SRB. Several troop members also retain African based names such as "Kahaari", "Jozcel" and "Jonezci."
The side walkers enjoy to be called The Sidewalk Troops and they enjoy to jerk around on the sidewalk.
by marc cortez July 20, 2010
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