A way of exclamiing a lack of knowledge about a subject with a term of endearment.

Short for I don't know, fam. (Fam being short for family, used as a term of friendship).
Guy 1: Hey whats up with Dave?

Guy 2: Idk Fam, he's actin crazy.

Guy1: Hey man where did you put the basketball?

Guy2: Idk Fam.
by AFewBullets January 15, 2010
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<Buggin> Do you have Bertoni shops in the U.S.?
<Pacman2k> idk wot bertoni
by Pacman2k August 18, 2007
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<Buggin> Do you have Bertoni shops in the U.S.?
<Pacman2k> idk wot bertoni
by Pacman2k August 14, 2007
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A mysterious abbreviation nobody seems to know or care about.
P1: What does IDK and IDC mean?
P2: I don't know and I don't care
by fuck off nosy ass prick April 13, 2021
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Stands for I don't know or give a fuck. Texting acronym used when someone asks you a question you could care less about.
Edgar: Hey do you known what the square root of pi is?

Miguel: Idk/gaf

Edgar: Aww :(
by Xero _ Manifest August 7, 2012
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basically, it means I don't know you tell me. Its a phrase used to answer annoying questions.
by S3an Ch4ambers August 30, 2018
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what you say when a guy asks you for nudes
straight guy who ghosted you 2 months ago: hey babe ❤️ looked hot in ure latest post, send noodz?
you: yeah but idk
by tiktiktiktik July 18, 2020
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