having anal sex with a frozen dildo
Nicole was icing before dinner
by icecreamboy July 31, 2010
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Were Rich People Go To School In Morris And There Dads Have Lots of Money
Ben Goes To ICS Wich Is Why No One Likes Him
by OXMAN March 3, 2007
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A term expressing the freezing of someone's account on a website. Common on virtual pet sites.
"Dude, did you hear? ChickFlick just got iced!"

"Hey man, she had it coming."
by Blaze June 14, 2004
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Water in a solid state occuring at or beneath 32 degree farenhite.
Yo dawg, I want some Ice in my Crystal.
by Justin November 2, 2003
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on drugs
larger than usual
more of something
Girl: "That gym is like a McDonald's playground on ice!"
by Colby Jane April 6, 2009
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This is a word that can be used to substitute numerous words. Mainly describing an object as "cool" or "neat".
"Come see my ice'd out car"
"That game I got yesterday is pro-ice"
"The other team was good, but we were ice"
by Devan Smith & Alex Isenor December 27, 2007
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