A yacht without exclusively attractive occupants. The antonym of Hot Yacht
Look at all those hotties on board that boat over... oh wait a sec look at the captain. I thought it was a Hot Yacht for a second but it's actually a Not Yacht.
by Nutata June 8, 2016
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Them guys over there. Guys that will drink anything with alcohol in it.
Take that Budweiser to them Han Yachts.
by Beavertbd May 25, 2019
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Josh thinks Monique is a twat yacht for being honest.
by moneekēwa September 14, 2022
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Hey dude, I went to Brody's mansion, it was cool, too bad he's stuck up and yacht blooded
by This my name I guess March 24, 2017
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Sailing the vast oceans of wet pussy.
Tonight I'm gonna hit the club and do some twat Yachting on these hoes.
by Trigga Bone December 29, 2016
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If you thought The Bridge on Sirius XM was trash, this is their latest attempt at siphoning millions from the Satellite Radio system into the ultra-rich baby boomer's pockets. Their tagline is something to the extent of "If you're rich enough, you don't need a job." Probably while they snort cocaine and drink expensive booze on their yachts. I hope they get so intoxicated they can't steer, then ram their yacht into an iceberg and sink like the fucking titanic, then maybe drown.
"You're listening to YACHT ROCK RADIO, why call it working from home if you're so rich you don't need a job?"
by Space Wrangler August 20, 2021
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