when someone steals something and u call them stealer
u stealer
by TACOBELL201 December 14, 2018
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A person who steals belongings from other people.
Mark: Look at this, that person stole some granny's purse!
Paul: No way, he's such a stealer.
by stealerlt August 13, 2023
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When your friends is too dumb to know the word stealer so they create their own.
**Tony gets something out of Emma's pencil case without asking**
Emma: Oi mate don't be a stealer.
by NianTy2 June 1, 2022
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The word your dumb as fuck friend uses when they are too stupid to know the word thief.
Emma: Oi mate look at that stealer.
Eve: stealer isn't a word.
Emma: now it is.
by NianTy2 June 1, 2022
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A ginger, ranging from anything to simply light orange hair to pale skin, large red freckles in an abundance, and the ugliest hair color known to man. Stay away from these gingers, they will steal your soul
Guy 1: Hey! It’s a soul stealer
Guy 2: He will steal our souls!
Ginger: shut the fuck up i’m just a fucking ginger that doesn’t mean ill steal your soul
by RyanIsABasicAssNMe July 17, 2023
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One who sniffs really loudly, as if to steal the scent of the room.
Boy #1: *inhaling furiously*
Boy #2: Jesus Christ, just get a tissue you scent stealer.
by LilRezBoy April 6, 2023
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Slang for calling any race, white/black man a monkey.
Look at that banana stealer over there, he's on top of that tree peeling the skin off.
by LeilaSP March 9, 2019
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