When it’s intermission while you’re watching a hockey game on tv, and you sneak away with your significant other and do a quick lil somethin.
“We were bored watching intermission commercials so we snuck to the bedroom until next period. For an intermission quickie.” ;)
by JamiesonM April 26, 2018
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a place to eat when hungover if you attend the college of Texas State Univeristy.
by the guy with many names February 4, 2023
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When you cum so fast your penis isn't even fully erect
Wow John, last night this porn was so hot, it ended up being a quickie-softie!
by Sum foo May 27, 2020
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If you are a ‘Quicky’ , you don’t think properly, you think quick, often making dumb choices. Quicky’s are very retarded and stupid.
Hey dude, look at that idiot ! What a Quicky!
by Dumslut May 5, 2020
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