Milan is a girl with fiery passion, and has it out to get exactly what she wants, whatever means necessary. She'll lay low until you cross her path.

Oh and don't forget, she's all about female empowerment!
by carmenshere April 3, 2021
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Someone you can't help but fall in love with. Once you meet a Milan your heart belongs to him. He's shy but so friendly. He brightens up you cloudy day and brings colour into your black and white world. He makes you feel special and cared for. Always asking if you're ok. The only way he breaks your heart is because he's got a girlfriend and you can't have him. He's such a loyal boyfriend. Loves to kiss and cuddle. He is so HOT! He is musically inclined and loves music. He can sometimes be lazy, but he still does what he needs to do. He has the most beautiful smile that can make anyones heart melt.
Oh, how I love Milan. I couldn't help but fall in love with him. It breaks my heart to know I'll never have him.
Milan makes my heart melt
by CODENAME:KOBE January 29, 2020
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Milan is a modern name often associated with an intellectual and calm human beeing.
Most Milan's have a humble personality and are more often then not "the hidden gem" in a group. Milan's are awesome listeners and know exactly when it's time to speak and when to keep quit.
Be grateful for a Milan and he will make your life better.

When you think of Milan you are always reminded of the similar Italian city Mailand or the funny sounding bird.
Milan is an awesome Name!
by dekuwei November 23, 2021
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Milan is a person who is very sweet and caring, they are funny and always tries to make others laugh. They can be sensitive but mean so be careful with them. Typically seen with a small group of friends and they always have their friends back.
Look it’s milan I wish I was their friend
by August 13, 2022
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People with this name usually posses Big IQ and Dick
giga chad
someone: this guy is probably named Milan
by Charlichapelle November 21, 2021
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The name Milan in this scenario is male:

Bitchy and cheeky. Sometimes a total dick. A great friend and I am not gay, but a good boyfriend.
Friend:Milan is a great friend
Friend 2: Dahm right he is!
by CheekyB7 June 24, 2020
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The name Milan, is a name of Slavic origin. The name Milan came from the word 'Milý' in English, dear.
Oh hi Milan.
Milan you look so good tonight.
What is your name? My name is Milan.
by Tvojetemnamoc November 22, 2021
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