When you tittyfuck a girl who has a flat chest so its not really a "handjob" but its also not really a "Tittyfuck"
man 1 - "Bro i just got a great tittyfuck from my girlfriend"

man 2 - "bro your gf is super flat are you sure it wasn't just a Schrodinger's Handjob"
by Beastman723 April 8, 2017
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A handjob where the person giving has a band aid on their finger
Mark got a redneck handjob from Stephanie the last night, gross..
by oneloadedcheeseburgerplease April 19, 2023
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when you didn't really plan on giving a handjob but you did anyways.
"I just wanted to cuddle with him, but it turned into an accidental handjob."
by kethavele June 4, 2017
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The act of giving a handjob in the parking lot of a tim hortons
Joe: what did you guys do last night, eh?

Steve: Katie gave me a mediocre Canadian handjob

Joe: sounds about right for the parking lot of tim hortons
by beingcatfishedrn October 9, 2018
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"Brett, did you get some last night?" "Yeah but just a Canadian Handjob"
by Salt18 November 18, 2016
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When you get a handjob from a married woman wearing her wedding ring.
I got a steel handjob from my buddies mom at the bar last night.
by Canadiantetons February 17, 2019
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When someone is giving you a handjob, and begins spinning your dick like a helicopter's rotor, at which point you scream "Get to the chopper now" at them in your best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice.
"Yo Brittany was stroking me off last week and it turned into an Austrian handjob. She said my accent needed work"
by CaillouSwagDick January 15, 2016
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