Its when a guy tells you to undress to your underwear and looks at your body. After hes done touching your nipples, chest and abdomen, he asks you to drop your boxers and he looks at your penis and scrotum. Its the only time a straight guy would show his body to an other guy in a private room.
David was asked by the nurse to undress for the doctor as he waited for him to come in and start the Physical Exam Male
by Doc2392 January 2, 2012
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When yo girl surprises u with a surprise prostate exam listening to Owl City.
by Dabdabdabdabdab August 28, 2017
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Anything or anyone that's a HUGE pain in the ass.

To suck and blow simultaneously.
This weekend my boss is making redo this month's TPS report. What a huge three finger protological exam that's going to be!

Having Jerry around is like having a constant three finger proctological exam!

by Tenacious Faulker April 15, 2009
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Well well well, the Edexcel P1 Physics Exam 2016 was a mystical exam paper sat by GCSE students who all felt the shattering pain and emotion of twenty or so hours of revision of Hershel and Ritter's experiments along with the Electromagnetic Spectrum, only to find that the first question to come up is about a pathetic petrol generator. Just to add petrol to the fire (see what I did there) Edexcel decide to throw in a cheeky induction question which in later life, is going to be about as useful as a waterproof bathsponge.

But you may be thinking, Edexcel surely you have stopped there, surely you cannot emotionally deplete us and make us feel like a single celled organism with no brain (I revised Biology well). Oh no! Just for good measure, Edexcel decide to take a steaming dump on our result, throwing in a question about Ions. Which is again about as useful as a submarine in the sahara.

Essentially, the Physics exam is the bastard lovechild of the Maths Exam, which Edexcel decide to sweetly position immediately after the Physics exam, to essentially ruin our lives. I would like to congratulate anybody who thought that they found this exam easy.
What was that Edexcel P1 Physics Exam?
by rantingmadting May 25, 2016
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This phenomenon occurs when you don’t prepare enough for your first exam, and you have to cram for the second one, and then you have to essentially cram for every exam after that because you are don’t have proper time management skills.
by Jägerjon December 8, 2019
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When I was young I decided I wanted to be a doctor, so I took the entrance exam to go to Medical School.
One of the first questions asked of us was to rearrange the letters "PNEIS"
into the name of an important human body part which is most useful when erect.

Those who answered spine are doctors today.
The rest of us are sending jokes via email.
YO, DID YOU GO TO TO medical school entrance exam SO YOU CAN Rearrange the letters "PNEIS"
into the name of an important human body part which is most useful when erect,

Those who answered spine are doctors today.
The rest of us are sending jokes via email.
by lesser of 2 eviles October 3, 2015
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