Shaving all of your ass and pubic hairs and super gluing them to someone's face.
Bro I totally gave this chick a Lincoln beard last night at the party when she passed out.
by Rezneck March 18, 2016
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A guy's unshaved, bearded face.
Go shave your bearded egg now you espère d'inculte
by Sexydimma June 16, 2021
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When you get face fucked and the jizz solidifies to form a beard. Ferment for extra enjoyment.
I face fucked your mum last night. By the end she had a cheesy beard upstairs and down.
by Cheesybearddudr May 28, 2017
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Hairy Anus belonging to a Male
Man, Barry had the hairiest mangina I have ever seen..!!! It was a total BEARDED MAN CLAM!
by kmfa666 July 6, 2010
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A sexual predator. Could be a man or a woman.

Just like the bird, a bearded vulture naturally preys on potential predators. The ultimate goal is sexual intercourse. He has 20/20 vision and spends most of the time spying on his/her 'victims'. That helps evaluate the situation and 'attack' at the right time.

With that said, this person is still a very naive and a weak predator compared to what he can become. When he gains enough experience he has the chance of evolving to a vulture, earning him or her a higher success rate and many more traits.
Girl 1: 'That man over the bar is staring at me'

Girl 2: 'WATCH OUT! He is a bearded vulture'
by therealvulture April 30, 2018
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1. A beard so covered in taco juice that all the beard owner can smell is taco.

2. A beard that belongs to a man who just went down on a girl's bearded taco
After eating a super juicy taco, Brendan pulled his mask over his face and said "All I can smell is taco, I've got Taco Beard!"
by CaptainJabbin February 26, 2021
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