Ben Stone is the sweetest man alive. He’s always honest and will die trying to make someone love themselves. He’s a huge nerd that loves Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda. He’ll never know just how much he means to the world.
“I think I’m in love with Ben Stone.”
by TrashBandit17 April 1, 2020
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"Someone will be coming tomorrow at noon to steal the stone in your shower. I will be here." - Roommate
by Tito the Eldest of the Old January 3, 2014
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Like Indian sand stone but not as good quality as it don't have the facilities
Does anyone have any indian sand stone? If not I'll just have to use the benjian sand stone
by April 5, 2021
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When you and your partner(s) get as high as you can and then have sexual relations until every party involved has an orgasm before the first party passes out.
Person 1: I got some weed and viagra.
Person 2: I love you man but not like that!
Person 1: Nah, it's for me and my girl.
Person 2: So what? Are you all gonna Stone N Bone?
Person 1: Fuck yeah!!!
by Can I Get U Off? January 10, 2021
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boys that are really into drugs. They get high very often and they go crazy without their drugs. They basically need drugs to live. weed
boy: *takes a hit* *passes the joint* someone: you guys are stone boys
by suzy lynn May 18, 2019
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A girl that is so traumatized and filled with issues that she gets turned on by the sound of a fucking gun.
Yoo dude I met a stone girl and she liked my gun
Bro idk if thats a good thing
by Rachel the bunny November 2, 2020
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Women born without vaginas. The symptom is known as vaginal agenesis.

Source of the word is most likely Chinese, from 石女, which literally means “stone girl”.
John: I just found out last night that Alice is a stone girl, how am I supposed to hit home run?
Tom: Oh bro, that sucks.
by Ointmaster October 7, 2023
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