The school is the force of nihilism everyone must face at least once in their lives. This force is unwavering and unchanging. Even as societies evolve, this force called school yet remains fossilized as the only one universal suffering, the constant within the chaotic absurdity. A rule in which we as human beings are ruthlessly forced to endure to great ends. This rule was not created by a wicked god, but mankind. The phrase mankind is its own torturer, is undoubtedly proven by the existence of the school. If humanity so desperately exists, so will the force of suffering. The force of school/nihilism is by far the most diabolical form of this force of suffering. Yet we must still triumph, despite the odds, we must overcome those who wish harm. This is school, the most despicable, hated, horrific trial of life that one is forced to overcome. Many suffer from PSTD due to school.
guy 76: what’s wrong?
guy 76: well, it was an honor meeting you, your family shall be overcome with great grief.
by Just another writer tater December 20, 2022
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the most unsafe place ever. first. they expect us to get up at 5 in the morning and not be tired and if ur 4 secounds late u get in trouble like wow next they expect you to hold your pee for 7 hours like im sorry would if im on my period then what do you want me hold that in too like im sorry your supposed to be teaching us but your so stupid you think we can hod our periods thx alot. oh and get mad if we talk to our friends how bout you sit down with all your friends and not talk at all. then the homework after all that we have to go home and spend hours on projects, work pages, etc. like why....
hey what did you do yesterday?
"oh i stayed up till 3 am doing 100 questions then got yelled at for getting a c- what did u do"
thats called school
by meiscool.ava August 6, 2022
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Nothing boring but school. It's like hell and prison put together.
Mia: Hey what's that hell looking prison over there?
Savina: Oh it's school.
by Jungwonie January 18, 2022
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a place that kids go to and wake up at 6 in the fucking morning to get ready. This place also represents hell and a prison that you get locked in for 7 whole fucking hours. This place is crapy bullshit that gives you a chance to get bullied depression or anxiety. this is a complete waste of time and childhood. Also if you need to know anything there’s a way less crap place called google ❤️
Jessica: I fucking hate school

Monica: I know right it’s literally hell

Jeff: what’s that prison looking place over there?
Jon: oh that? Yeah that’s school
by just this loser February 5, 2022
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A pointless place where you learn pointless things for no reason. Teachers think that our lives are: reading books, studying, doing homework and doing something else that has something to do with school. School is this but simple:" Sit down, shut your fucking mouth and do everything I say. You have no rights in my classroom."
School seems like child slavery. Did you know that there is something out there called Google? It's where you can learn what you want when you want. You don't have to have shit shoved down your throat for 6 hours. It's all your choice.
Teacher: "Why didn't you come to school yesterday?"
Student: "I was sick but I used Google to learn what I wanted to. It was actually quite fun!"
*Teacher has a heart attack because she heard google*
by LittleTimmyCry April 24, 2022
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its gonna ruin your life.
"what 'you doin tmr?"

"going to school "
"ooh, you mean hell?, i see"
by gottaloveglue December 16, 2021
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